Introducing our new CDO’s (Coaching Development Officer) for the 2024 season.
The club have recently appointed Tim Murphy who is a final year student at ATU Galway and is studying Sport and Exercise Science. Tim is from Kerry and his home club is Sneem GAA.
Our second CDO, Aisling Carroll is in second year at University of Galway and she is studying Music and Irish. Aisling is pursing a career as a secondary school teacher. She was a primary school coach last year, and been involved with the Academy as a coach over the past number of years. She also plays with the St James LGFA intermediates team.
Both Tim & Aisling will be coaching in our Local National Schools (Merlin Woods, Scoil Mhuire, Brierhill, Gael Scoil Dara, Scoil Chaitríona and Radhac na Mara) from next week until the end of the school term.
The National Schools Coaching initiative is proudly supported by Bon Secours Hospital Galway